Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Who's awake? not me

It has been a busy weekend, but I survived it. We got the pool set up Saturday, it's still cold...but I'm working on getting it warmer. Today's temp. int he 90's should help. I didn't actually get in it until yesterday. (Monday) I spent a few hours playing around in it with the kids and my sister, and I think it's safe to say that it counts as exercise. My legs and butt are sore today...might have something to do with the handstands we were attempting. (I actually did it too!) I haven't goofed off like that since I was a kid. Good times.
Oh, and after we all got out of the pool, and changed into dry clothes, I got the grill going and cooked some steak and baked potatoes. We also had salad and corn. it was sooo good! So that's about it for my weekend.

I am so tired right now. I did not get enough sleep.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What a day

Yesterday was a very up and down kind of day. It started out happy with a mushroom and cheese omelet. Then someone totally disrespected me, someone I wasn't expecting it from, and I was angry and had hurt feelings. So I moved on to my craft room to start a new project, and hopefully bring myself out of the funk I had been forced into. Then my husband called to see how I was, and the tears began to fall like a steady summer rain. Then I got a little giggle out of the weather... it seemed to be reflecting my mood, thunder and then when I cried the rain started. That's when I felt compelled to respond to the harshness of my "friend" from earlier in the morning. I was very cold, but it fit the situation perfectly...I don't feel very good about this.

That's when my daily routine picked up and I didn't have time to really dwell on how harsh I had been in return. AND THEN, I was on my way to pick my husband up at work so we could head to the concert we had tickets for. I turned on a fun and upbeat play list in the car, and my mood went back up. I love how music can do this. I finished off my night by dancing for 3 hours at the concert.

So there you have it, my day...all roller coaster like. I even got some exercise in. Let's hope today is for less bumpy, not sure I can handle that two days in a row.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

slow going

I just have no energy lately. I don't know why either.  I've even been taking my vitamins. I know, I know, exercise gives you energy. I got in a teeny weeny bit of walking today, but that's it. I was in a crafty mood, and felt inspired, so I finished a project that had been feeling neglected for a while. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself...and I do. :o)

You may notice the ad stuff on the side... I caved and added it. I figured "hey, if I'm going to be doing this anyway, why not get a tiny bit of cash out of it." You never can tell, one day it cold actually pay for a meal. lol

Ugg, so here I am... promising you all...... that I will get off my butt and ACTUALLY get some exercise in tomorrow. I'm too important to put myself off any longer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My apologies...

I haven't intentionally abandoned my rebellion, but life sent me on a side track lately. All I can really report to you right now is that I have been trying my best to make half my plate veggies, keep portion sizes under control, and not let cravings derail me. I don't ignore the cravings, just a tiny bit is enough to make me feel satisfied, but not enough to knock me off track.

I miss the exercise. I've been slowly changing the time I wake up, so that I can get my workouts in before I start my day. It seems to be the best time for me to actually get it done, and then I'm free to work on important projects and jobs the rest of the day. (in between all the mommy and house stuff I have to do)

I did take a much needed trip on my own this past weekend. I've never actually gone anywhere by myself (aside from the store) before. I've gone on trips with my parents, with my husband, with my kids and dog, but not by myself. It was nice to have all that time inside my own head while I drove. I had a great visit with one of my best friends/chosen sister. It had been far too long and I think we both really needed it. That in itself was helpful to my rebellion. I think something inside me changed just a bit from the whole experience. That's a good thing... just in case you were wondering.

So lets get back to this rebellion and being more productive in all areas of my life.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

here we go again...

I was just getting used to my newly changed schedule, thinking I might be organized enough to fit in everything I need to do with a couple less hours available to me each week day, and now my lungs hurt.

I was feeling so optimistic this morning, I had energy and I was getting things done. Never mind that my back hurt in an all to familiar way yesterday, resembling something close to the way it hurt when I had bronchitis and pneumonia. I was feeling rather chipper today in spite of my allergies. I worked on a logo, I set up a sign template, I got a shower, I even went grocery shopping. Half way through putting the groceries away, I got dizzy and had to sit down. When I finished I sat at the table and chatted with my mom. (she stopped by after she got off work) And that, my friends, is when my lungs really began to ache. Not just in my back this time, this time they were aching all over. Each breath made me aware of how crappy I felt. Apparently the tree pollen has been pretty high lately. I've been congested the last few days, and my throat has been itchy, but this is just too much.

I don't think I have to tell you that I've been taking it easy and plan to keep with that until I can breathe good again. I can still handle yoga and some light but effective exercises, just not the ones that make me breathe hard. I am using all my asthma arsenal to fight this mess, but if I have to I will get to the doctor before it turns into something real bad. Have I mentioned how I hate being allergic to nature...it totally sucks, because I love having the windows open and being outside.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I don't have a title

I've been having a fairly craptastic couple of days, nothing I'm going to whine about on here, just craptasticness that has left me in a bit of a funk.

I've been at the same place on the scales for two months now. It's my own fault. Instead of stepping up the workouts, I'm actually doing less now. I have been doing better at eating healthier and using correct portion sizes, but that doesn't make up for the slack on the workout end. My life is getting busier, which is sort of good, but I have to rework my time to fit in exercise and design time..... I have to make myself a routine schedule. I love being able to do things according to my mood, but that clearly isn't working for me. Life has just gotten a bit crazy and I need to find some order in my chaos.

I'm going to do my best to wake up in a far better mood than I've been in the last couple days, I hate feeling like this.

Friday, May 6, 2011

a bit off

This week has been a bit off for me. Nothing seems to be going as planned, but it all seems to work itself out somehow. I sort of feel like I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off... I'm all over the place getting a tiny bit done here, a tiny bit done there, but no significant progress on any one thing. I don't like when life gets this way. I feel so drained and useless. My 3 yr old actually faked crying to get my attention yesterday. I wasn't even 10 minutes into designing a logo when he pulled this little dramatic act. I guess he thought ten minutes was too long for me to be away from him.

I keep wanting to get a workout in... to get SOME kind of exercise in... All I've managed is way more walking than my normal day consists of, but not enough to make me feel like I've actually accomplished something. I still, somehow, have managed to drop a couple pounds anyway though. Today feels like it may be slowing down for just a minute. I feel like I have a to do list a mile long though. There's plenty of yard work to be done, the kitchen is a little out of hand, laundry is getting behind, and I have a logo to design. That was the big stuff, there's plenty of little bits here and there that have to be done too... oh yeah, and we need groceries.

Part of my time dilemma is my own fault. I've agreed to help out a friend who really needs it. He started a new job this week, so now I am picking up his kids from school and keeping them for a couple hours every afternoon. They are really good kids, so it's really no big deal. I just have to start my afternoon stuff an hour or so earlier than usual, and can't get back to the things I normally do after I get Jordan until after dinner... which means I don't get back to it if I want to spend any time with Jason in the evenings. It's only for another month, then school will be out. Then my whole world will change again. It should free up my mornings though, because the kids will sleep in.

I'll post later the exercise I am planning to get in just a bit. I guess busy is always better than bored.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We will return after these messages...

Sorry for the abandonment. I was so busy last week I didn't have the brain power nor the energy to post. I'm not going to bore you with the day to day crap, so just a quick recap.

Lots and lots of spring cleaning.............yard sale.............recovery............tried to walk, but the cat kept following me, so I sort of got a walk up and down the hill twice.................some gardening.......totally useless day..... tomorrow, yes, tomorrow I would like to get back to my regularly scheduled workouts (which, by the way, have never been scheduled...but are really just whatever I feel like doing that day).

So now you are caught up, and tomorrow I will do my best to give myself something to write about.