Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Emotional Eating: The Trick to Staying Slim

Love to eat? No worries!

By Kimberly Goad
Your idea of a good time after a bad day is a scoop of dulce de leche ice cream piled high atop a fudge brownie. You’re digging in because each creamy mouthful makes you feel inexplicably happy. Is that really so bad?

Surprisingly, emotional eating doesn’t have to be a problem, says Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. "Trying to talk yourself out of getting a mood boost from food only sets you up for a bigger overeating problem—like bingeing," she says. You can comfort yourself with food and stay thin with these simple ground rules.

Why we snack our way happy

"We’re hardwired to eat for emotional reasons," Dr. May says. "From the moment you’re born and your mother holds you close to feed you, there’s an emotional connection between being fed and being loved. That’s why it’s counterproductive to say to people, ‘Just don’t do it.’"

The treats we crave most are packed with powerful natural chemicals that bring on pleasure. Chocolate, for example, contains serotonin and another happy-making neurotransmitter, anandamide. And once that double-fudge brownie makes its way to your stomach, your body responds with a rush of endorphins, giving you a kind of snacker’s high.

Emo-eat only what you love

Before you crack open the Ben & Jerry’s, though, do what Dr. May calls the "Four-Really Test": Ask yourself if you really, really, really, really want it. "Reach for something you don’t really want, and you’re likely to eat more of it because it isn’t satisfying," she says.

That’s the danger of answering a craving with a lighter version of what you want or with something else altogether. Not only does it defeat the purpose of giving yourself a gooey treat, but it sets you up for a pig-out. "If I’m not hungry, but I need a little pleasure in my life, isn’t it ridiculous to eat a rice cake?" Dr. May asks. "Not only do I not need that fuel, but it’s not even going to give me the pleasure."

Make it blow your mind

Step away from that laptop, TV, or iPad, so you can focus fully on the treat you want to eat. Here’s why: If you don’t take a moment to enjoy everything about it, "then the real reason you’re eating it won’t be served," Dr. May explains, and you’ll be more likely to give in to other high-calorie foods—not to mention more of them.

Don’t eat it on an empty stomach

"If you’ve had a good meal with protein, vegetables, and a healthy fat, your dessert has a better chance of being emotionally satisfying," says Julia Ross, director of the Recovery System Clinic in Mill Valley, California, and author of The Diet Cure. "But a lot of women skip meals to save calories and go straight to dessert, so their blood sugar spikes, then crashes, and they end up going back for seconds and thirds."

Going back for another and another also puts you scary-close to emotional eating’s danger zone: overeating. "There’s no harm in meeting any need with food—unless it becomes chronic or extreme," Ross says.

Bag the guilt

It’ll strip the pleasure right out of your splurge. "Nobody should feel guilty if they use food to celebrate or feel comfort," Ross says. Besides, hating yourself for loving that chocolate shake will only make you need another (high-calorie) mood boost. It comes down to this: When you eat to feel good, let yourself feel good. Then move on.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A little good, and a little bad

Ok, so I was not feeling a workout today, so instead I went for a fast paced kinda long walk...mostly uphill. I was out of breath and sweaty, so I feel like it did it's job. It was late this afternoon, and by the time I got done playing with the kids and getting my shower in it was late so we ordered food. I had half an Italian sub and some fried zucchini and mushrooms. So not bad, but not too good either. Fried food is never good for you, but sometimes I just want to have a little.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I turned it around

Ok, so today started out sucky, I couldn't get out of the funk I spoke of in the last post. I took my "veg" time, I watched a rock n roll movie, and after I picked Jordan up from school I did a workout. I am in a better mood because of it too. I turned today around. That's kind of a massive accomplishment for me, usually once in a funk I'm stuck for the day. Now, I tried my other DVD I got last here's the review.

Review: Jillian Michaels 6 week six-pack (that totally makes me think of beer. lol)

Now you should all know at the start that I did not buy this because I actually expect to have a six-pack in six weeks. (Hey! one of my favorite songs is playing right now!) I bought it because I like diversity so I"m not using the same workout everyday, and I need some extra work on the middle section.

This workout is tough. (no surprise there) I found it easier than the Yoga Meltdown, but I still had to add a few modifications in for the really hard moves. I'll be super excited when I am able to do the side plank knee raise thing, because right now I am at the pre-school level on this move. (heh heh) I actually sweat more with this one than with the Yoga Meltdown, even though the moves were a bit easier for me. Contrary to what the title will have you believe, this is a full body workout as well. It is focused on the abs, but I am certain my arms, legs, and butt will be feeling it tomorrow.

Now, off the shower so my hair will be dry before bed. You don't want to see the "went to bed with wet hair so I look like Medusa when I wake up" look. It's kinda scary....and hilarious.


I'm soaked in sadness and I am having trouble draining it out of me. I want to be in a happy bouncy mood. I want to do a workout and feel good about myself and feel strong from it. I'm just having a terrible time of it today. I'm trying to swim through it, fix the cause and move on. Trying to find the surface to pop through and take a deep breath...feel the sunshine on my face. It's just so hard for me today. Maybe I just haven't been sleeping well lately. (that always messes with me and gets me down) I'll try to force myself through a workout today anyway. Maybe at the very least a walk. I didn't do anything yesterday. I was babysitting a friends kids for about 28 hours this weekend, which means no rest from the stress and responsibility. That is probably part of what got me down and had me not sleeping well.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I went for a walk this morning, and that is all I am doing today. My whole body is sore from my ears down to my toes (no joke, even muscles in my hands and feet are sore) from the Yoga Meltdown workout. I need to take a break today.

Friday, March 25, 2011

New stuff!

I got a book and two new workouts in the mail yesterday. I'm excited to try the workouts AND to get started on the book. It's time to pay more attention to what food crosses my lips. Obviously I'm not doing my best here, because I keep going up and down on the scales. The plus side to this is that those few pounds that I fluctuate between are still slowly getting lower and lower as I continue down this path. Give me 30 - 40 minutes, and I'll be back to give a review of Jillian's Yoga Meltdown.

(this is the part where I did the 'holy cow this is hard' workout)

OMG! That was quite possibly the hardest workout I've ever done. It's no secret that Jillian Michaels workouts are difficult and require everything you have to get through them. I've always had to modify the moves until I get myself to a level of fitness (or get used to the moves) to actually do all the moves in each set as instructed. That was tough.

If you are new to yoga, this workout is not for you. The majority of the moves in this DVD are moderate to advanced levels. I sweat like I do when I mow in the hot summer sun. I have done yoga off and on for years...even with that in my bank of exercise knowledge, I found this difficult. I won't give up though. I know I can get to a place where I can do level one on this DVD, and then I will attempt level 2. I may have to add a yoga session at Kneaded Movements into my efforts to help me get to the level I need to get through level one of Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown with no modifications.

I have more yard work to do this afternoon, so it will probably be tomorrow before I can review my other new DVD.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm tired

Tired may be an understatement here. I didn't get as sore as I expected from last nights workout. I can feel my muscles more than usual, but that's about it. Just the way I like it. I ran around and got some things done today, then spent the afternoon in the yard with my sister. Pulled weeds, put down some mulch, and chopped back some brush that is growing like crazy right now. I'm pretty exhausted and won't be doing anything the rest of the day. Good night people.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Something new

I had an interesting day today. Things were a bit off this morning. Things that would normally insight anger in me just rolled off my shoulder, and even some good came of it. I got a lot of house work done today, which involved a lot of bending and moving around...which was more than my usual day contains.
Then this evening I went to the belly dancing/salsa class at Kneaded Movements Massage and Yoga. I totally loved it. If you've never been, you should go. It's beneficial for newbies, people getting back into it, and regulars all at the same time. I sweat almost as much as I do when I do my 30 tough workout. I can feel muscles I haven't felt in a long time, and I know for sure that I will be feeling it tomorrow. Again I say, I totally loved it! No matter how many steps I goofed up, or how silly I thought I was going to look, Patricia made us all feel completely comfortable. No judging, just a fluid experience with good instruction and good company. I have to go back next week, I want to.

So that was my weird day today. I ventured out into a public setting, and actually enjoyed it. Change is good. Don't ever let fear of the unknown stop you from trying something new, because you just may miss out on an experience you will love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Got my walk in!

My mom came by after she got off work this afternoon, and we took Jax out for a walk around the block. I like to call it the stair case walk, because the one road is steep enough that it's like walking up a long set of stairs.

I also have a facebook page for my rebellion, and sometimes my friends post things they are doing to rebel.

fat Rebellion

If you are interested, there is a button for asking to join the group.

Benedryl blur and Tuesday's energy whirl

I don't remember a lot of Monday very clearly. I couldn't take it anymore and took some benedryl...which makes me stupid while it relieves my allergy issues.

Today, it seems I am full of energy. I'm using it to clean house, and if I have enough left I will get a workout in. If I don't have enough energy left, I'll just have to get a walk in later. My music is keeping me going right now and I love it!

Oh! I almost forgot. I lost another 1.5 lbs. I think that puts me at 6.5 since I started this blog. Not too bad for the first couple months, but I need to step it up. I want to try to make it over to Kneaded Movements Massage and Yoga once a week for one of her classes. Here's a schedule from her page if you are interested.

Kneaded Movements Massage and Yoga

I like change once in a while. It's good for us and it keeps us from getting into a rut. It's keeps us moving forward in life instead of being stagnant and forgetting how fun life can be.

I'll be sure to let you know which workout I get in today later on.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Attack of the allergies

I started Sunday with a walk with my sister. Half of that walk was good, the other half sort of sucked because the wind was relentless and almost painful on our skin. I didn't do much else yesterday, we spent some time in the afternoon outside at a birthday party. I had a glass of coke and a small piece of cake, but everything else was actually pretty healthy...salad, fruit, grilled hamburger.

Today (Monday) I am suffering from allergies. My son and I are miserable at this point. Last year was terrible with the tree pollen, so I was hoping that this year would not be. I am forcing myself to believe that it's just the start and my body has to adjust to the assault of pollen and then the rest of the spring won't be so bad for me. I really hope this is true for both of us, because I hate see my little guy feeling so pitiful.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy Saturday

Wow, where to begin... I suppose at the beginning. hehe

I started my day by waking up late. I love sleeping in on a Saturday! My sister was already up and gone, adding compost to the garden beds at mom and dad's house. I joined her at the garden, and we turned and mixed the compost into the soil. I can't wait until the threat of frost is gone so we can put the plants in. When we finished dad cooked some hamburgers on the grill and we ate outside so we could enjoy the beautiful weather.

When we got home I started in on the yard work here. Pulled a bunch of weeds and privet sprouts, and raked out the flower beds...again. Jordan went to spend the night with a friend, Jason went to jam with the guys, Jaxon went to spend the night with grams and paps...which left me and my sister. We had dinner and watched a movie, and then I was off again to a St. Patrick's day party with some friends.

It was sort of a non-stop kind of day, and I am really feeling the effects of the yard work today. I enjoyed it, and it was a good workout.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm happy today

I got my workout in this morning after I took Jordan to school. I woke up so hungry that I ate before my workout. That always seems to make it harder. I'm going to have to try not to do that again.

I got a few things done this morning, but not much. I promised Jaxon we could have a picnic today so he could use his Yoda lunch box. It was so fun, we both enjoyed it a lot! The best part about having a picnic in your own yard, is that you can have ice cream too. Don't worry, I didn't crash the diet end of this rebellion. We had tuna salad in whole grain pita pockets with lettuce and tomato, salad and some pretzel crackers. Then I went and got us each a bowl of strawberry ice cream (I kept to the recommended half cup serving).

After we picked Jordan up from school, we went for a nice walk around the block. I feel good today, and I am happy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I have always loved St. Patrick's Day. I don't know if it's the catholic in me or the Irish, but I do know I'm wearing lots of green and am going to be drinking beer tonight. I didn't get a real workout in, because I was out and about all day, so I will have to step it up tomorrow to make up for today and the beer I will be drinking later. Had a good lunch with my Jason, then got all the shopping done and got back home just in time to leave and go pick my daughter up from school. Busy day.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe St. Paddy's day, and I'll write more tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I got my workout in this morning. It was tough...more so than usual. I am having trouble breathing clearly today. I've had to use my inhaler a few times already, because now my lungs are hurting a bit when I breathe deep. Not in the same place that was hurting from the bronchitis, lower this time. I've always had breathing problems, my whole life.

As a child, the only thing that got me through gym class was my inhaler. When I would go to my locker, at the top of two half flights of stairs, I would have to catch my breath when I reached the top. That was 7th grade. I haven't ever been able to run far without having an asthma attack, but I lived in the town pool all summer long and rode my bike everywhere. So, it's not like I was out of shape back then, I was more likely at my healthiest.

I know I have to take it easy and be careful with my lungs right now. I was dangerously close to pneumonia again when I got the bronchitis diagnosis, and I'm sure all the scar tissue from the many previous bronchitis infections and that one time I had pneumonia haven't helped. So, damn, my fight just got that much harder. I have no choice but to move forward with it though. I can't stay this way. I won't let diabetes and heart disease take over my life when I get older. My only choice is to keep moving forward with this in any way my lungs will let me. And damn it, I hate going to the doctor...but I think I'm going to have to. I have to talk to him about what is out there that might work best for me. I don't like having to use an inhaler this often. Frustrating!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sleepy day

I am so tired today, I feel like I was on an adventure in my dreams ALL NIGHT LONG last night. Daylight savings time is not my body knows that it's really 5:45 when my alarm is lying to me and telling me it's 6:45. I suppose it's no surprise at this point when I tell you I didn't do much of anything today. Officially, we (me and my tired body) are calling this a rest day. Unofficially, we're calling it a craptastic do nothing day. I'm kind of a fan of the unofficial version.

Fear not my friends, I will be back at it tomorrow.

(my spell check doesn't seem to like the word's best suggestion...> Cryptozoic. For your entertainment, I've indulged in my addiction and included my favorite definition for this word....which I would like to believe fit's the word craptastic pretty well.)

cryptozoic  (ˌkrɪptəʊˈzəʊɪk) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]


(of animals) living in dark places, such as holes, caves, and beneath stones

Monday, March 14, 2011

The moment you've all been waiting for...

I FINALLY got back to my Jillian workout! (this is the part where the crowd cheers) AND I managed to do it without coughing a single time!! AND I managed to get through the WHOLE thing!!! And... this funny sound in my lungs can easily be cured with a puff of my inhaler. (hehe)

I'm terribly sorry it's been so long since I posted. I meant to, I thought about it... I don't know why it didn't happen. Sorry.

OH! Did I mention the whole girl scout cookie step backward? No? Oh, it must be because I was pretending the calories weren't going to count. lol Missing a lot of chances for exercise and eating the devilishly good scout cookies, I still only managed to gain one single pound. I think I have to call that a tiny victory, because in past history just looking at the cookies would have caused me to gain at least two pounds.

So lets recap here:

Got horribly sick
didn't exercise for at least a week
ate a ridiculous amount of girl scout cookies
only managed to gain back a single pound
did the full 30 minute workout without coughing or stopping


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I think my lungs are almost ready!

I've been walking and dancing trying to keep some form of exercise in my daily life while I recover from the flu and bronchitis. While they are both pretty much gone, I am still feeling some of the negative affects lingering behind the illnesses. My strength/energy isn't quite back yet, and my lungs aren't quite right. If the air is too cold or I get to breathing heavy from the kitchen dancing, I start coughing a harsh dry cough. I've been trying to build myself back up, but it may just take some more time. One step at a time (sometimes literally) I'm getting back to where I was when the cooties attacked me, always a step forward. I am eternally grateful for my inhaler, it's been getting me through this like a best friend.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

gettin slack on the posts

Lets see, I'll start with Thursday.

Thursday was a good day. I didn't get in the walk I wanted, but I had a great time dancing with Jax in the Kitchen after dinner.

Friday came along and was quite promising. My mom came by and we went for a 'long walk" (those are Jaxon's words) with Jaxon and his giant T-Rex...grandma ended up carrying the T-Rex most of the way, because Jaxon couldn't be convinced that he would get tired of carrying it. After we got home from picking Jordan up from school, we had a little dance party in the Kitchen...I am still sore from it.

Saturday hasn't been an exercise kind of day, but I met a couple new people at a friends house. We had tea/coffee and biscuits, and told stories that caused a great deal of laughing and connecting. It's been a good few days here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Pretty awesome day

Today was a good one. I took my Ninja kitty to the vet for a booster shot. I went shopping with my sister because I had a gift card to spend and got two coupons in the mail the other for $10 off my purchase, and one for a free pair of underwear. I'm easily pleased, because I am super excited about the free underwear. (and they are super comfy too) I got a book I have been wanting, and some needed groceries. And then I got my walk in that I was hoping for. Jaxon was excited about going, but about half way around the block he decided he wanted to be carried. That didn't happen, I had to struggle with breathing just carrying myself around the block.

So it was a pretty good day all the way around. Oh, and we had steak and baby bella fajitas for dinner. Yum! I could only eat half of mine though, eating like a child today.

I want me back

I've been sick for a while now, and am still fighting to get my lung capacity back. I miss my workouts, but breathing has been somewhat of a chore for the last week or so. Today is supposed to be nice out, and I am feeling better, so I'm hoping to at the very least get a good walk in.

I hate to admit it, but the crud made one hell of a chaotic mess of this house.

No one felt good.

No one cleaned.

It's a disaster.

So, a good chunk of today is going to have to be devoted to cleaning this wreck of a house to bring us out of the chaos and back into a place we can stand to look at.